ORT Contrarian

A place for views that are contrary to those of the Overland Recovery Team (ORT). We will respond to their posts, their leaflets, and their websites; or basically their lies and propaganda.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hate Group?!

Richard Knode, Ken Owesnby and Ann Purzner have all used the term “Hate Group” in reference to the overwhelming number of citizens that support the recall of Ann Purzner from the mayor’s office. Why “hate group” when it is so apparent that these are citizens that truly love and care about their city?

What is a hate group? To hate is defined as "to loathe; detest" and group as "a number of persons or things gathered, located, or classified together." Thus, a hate group is two or more people who are part of a club, organization, religion, etc. whose purpose is to promote the agenda of what is the subject of their hate.

I do not believe that COGG or any other citizen who supports the recall is coming from a position of hating Purzner, Knode or Owesnby. The may dislike their actions. But, it really is just people with a different opinion on how the city should be run. Different does not equal hate. To equate them would be overly simplistic in a city with 60 years of governance.

Do not let the tactics of Owensby, et. al. sway you from the real reasons Purzner should be recalled.



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